Garlic & Herbs Butter- Recipe


  • 226g (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced OR 1 Tablespoon garlic stir-in paste
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoon chopped fresh chives
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt



  1. Finely chop the fresh herbs.
  2. With beater attachment, beat the butter until creamy and smooth.
  3. Add the herbs, salt and garlic paste.
  4. Beat until mixed in, scraping down the sides and continue beating for another 30 seconds or so just to smoothly combine all ingredients.
  5. Roll over a large piece of cling wrap, using the cling wrap to shape the butter into a log. Use your palms to roll out from the middle, and doing final shaping with fingers. You can flatten the sides for a better look.
  6. Freeze until set, transfer to fridge to store until needed.
  7. Serving suggestion: You can lather generously on halved scones and bake them on both sides until crisp and spread cottage cheese with cherry tomato on vines, seasoned with salt and cracked pepper. Makes a fantastic snack, breakfast or brunch item. Great on toast as well.


Here is a bonus butter recipe:


  • 226g (2 Sticks) Unsalted Butter, room temperature.
  • 1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
  • 50-60g of Raspberry or Strawberry Jam
  • 1 Tablespoon Honey
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Salt
  • Zest of 1 Lemon, optional



  1. With beater attachment, beat the soft butter till smooth.
  2. Add all ingredients and beat till smoothly combined.
  3. Scrape down the sides and beat for another 30 seconds till well combined.
  4. Shape as previous recipe into log or a block to your liking.
  5. Freeze until set, transfer to fridge to store until needed.

Matcha Buttermilk Pie

Hello Cookies! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a long while. Lots of things happened and I ended up having to look for a new program to use for editing my videos, work was crazy and I needed to move houses.

But hey, nonetheless I’m back! I’m going to be making up for it by making more videos for you guys again. I’ve also decided to include both metric and US cup measurements from now on as a viewer wished for it and it’s not all that hard to add that in 🙂

I’m excited as I finally have a laptop after my last one died in an unfortunate water spillage incident and a microphone is on the way. I will be hopefully bringing in a new segment called Tea Room where a topic is selected every episode to be discussed in detail such as ingredients, how to get ideas, etc. It should be fun and really helpful to aspiring bakers out there.

I wanted to keep it simple since I’m pretty busy working seven days atm and will be learning a new video editing program, so I’m bringing you this tasty, and super easy to make Amish Buttermilk Pie with the twist of a Matcha flavour.

Have fun baking little cookies! 😀

Thanks for the support, subscribe and like my channel if you would like to help me be able to make more of them more often.


Pie Crust Ingredients (Makes 1 x 9 Inch Pie, or 5 Small Individual Pies)

  • Plain Flour – 175g (1 1/2 Cups)
  • Salt – 1/2 Teaspoon
  • Unsalted Butter, Cubed into Small 2cm Pieces – 113g (1/2 Cups)
  • Caster Sugar – 2 Teaspoons
  • Ice Water – 60~120ml (1/4~1/2 Cups)


Pie Crust Method:

  1. In a food processor, place the flour, salt, sugar and process until just combined.
  2. Add the cubes of butter and pulse to combine until mixture resembles coarse meal.
  3. Pour 60ml ice water gradually until dough clumps together when you pinch it with your hands.
  4. If it crumbles or doesn’t quite form a dough when doing so, gradually add more ice water until desired consistency is achieved.
  5. Empty the mix onto your work surface and gather and gently compact until it comes together as one dough.
  6. Divide into 5 portions and flatten the dough till it is 1cm or so thick disk, cover tightly in clingwrap and refridgerate for 30-60 minutes. *At this point the dough can be frozen for a month, to use simply defrost in fridge for several hours or overnight.
  7. Over a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to fit 4 small individual pie pans. The dough should be 5mm or so thick, and be 5cm wider than the pan upside down.
  8. Dust off excess flour from dough, roll starting from one end onto rolling pin, whilst continuing to remove excess flour.
  9. Unroll the pastry gently onto the pie pan and carefully lift and tuck them inwards to sit into the base and sides. *Do not pull or this will cause the pastry to shrink when baking.
  10. With a floured piece of left over dough, or back of your finger if preferred, press over the pastry to press it into the pan whilst smoothing it.
  11. Once the pan is completely lined on the base and up the sides, simply use a knife to run along the top edge of the pan to remove any excess.
  12. Cover loosely in clingwrap and chill for 30 minutes or more before filling or baking.


Matcha Buttermilk Pie Filling Ingredients:

  • Caster Sugar – 220g (1 Cup)
  • Plain Flour – 2 Tablespoons
  • Large Eggs – 2, Beaten, Room Temp
  • Melted Butter – 2 Tablespoons
  • Buttermilk – 500ml (2 Cups) Room temp.
  • Pure Vanilla Extract – 1 Teaspoon
  • Matcha Powder – 3 1/2 Teaspoon


Matcha Buttermilk Pie Filling Method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius or 400F.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the sugar and flour.
  3. In a small bowl, gradually add buttermilk to match powder whilst whisking well to ensure no lumps. Once a smooth liquid is made, add to remaining buttermilk and combine.
  4. Add the beaten eggs, melted butter, buttermilk mix and extract to the dry mix.
  5. Gently stir with a whisk, not leaving base of the bowl to minimize air bubbles until there are no lumps left in the mixture.
  6. Place the tart shells on a pan for easy moving.
  7. Bake the tarts blind until just starting to turn golden around the sides.
  8. Pour into the baked tart shell and bake large pie at 200 degrees Celsius (400F) for 10 minutes, then reduce to 180 degrees Celsius (350F) and bake for an additional 50 minutes, or until center is firm. For small pies mine took 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius then 35 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
  9. Allow to cool before transferring to fridge to set for a few hours before serving.
  10. Dust lightly with matcha powder if desired for garnish. Adds a very nice extra punch of flavour.