SERVES 6 Small Pudding Cups / 4 Regular Ramekins


  • 250g (3 Green Apples)
  • 125g (4.4 Ounces) Raspberries/Strawberries
  • 90ml (6+1/2 Tablespoons) Water


  1. Wash and peel the apples.
  2. Avoiding the core, cut the apple into quarters.
  3. Place apples in a wok (for even heat distribution) or a large pan and cook with the water on high for 10 minutes. Cover with a lid and stir a couple of times as it cooks. The apple will turn a deeper yellow and smell fragrant when done.
  4. Add raspberries to apples and cook for a further 10 minutes on medium uncovered. They will be soft and jam-like in texture.
  5. Allow to cool slightly and process in a food processor or with a wand until smooth.
  6. The pectin in the apples removes the need to use gelatine.



CREME BRULEE Ingredients:

  • 250ml (1 Cup + 1/2 TBSP) Thickened/Heavy Cream
  • 1/2 Vanilla Bean & Seeds
  • 25g (1 + 2/3 TBSP) Caster Sugar
  • 80g (4 Large Egg Yolks) Room Temp.


  1. Preheat oven to 150C (302F).
  2. To each pudding cup, add generous 1/2cm worth of raspberry apple jam & level it out roughly. About 2 heaped Teaspoons or so.
  3. Add 1/2 vanilla bean pod and its seed into the cream in a saucepan. You can get the seeds by slicing it lengthwise in half, then use the back of a knife to scrape out the seeds.
  4. The other half can be stored airtight in a cool dry place for another recipe.
  5. Bring to a gentle simmer where bubbles start to appear around the edges of the saucepan.
  6. Meanwhile, whisk egg yolks and sugar together until combined.
  7. Gradually whisk in the cream to combine.
  8. Skim off the froth and any bubbles, gently strain into a pouring jug.
  9. Pouring gently, divide between the pudding cups, skimming off any froth as needed.
  10. Bake in a deep tray of boiling water filled up to half the height of the pudding cups.
  11. It is ready once the brulee just barely wobbles in the 1cm from the middle.
  12. Remove from the water bath and allow to cool completely before chilling in the fridge, covered with cling wrap or foil until serving.
  13. Alternatively, you could also cover tightly in foil then freeze for up to 2 weeks or so. Just thaw before serving, and brulee as per normal.
  14. To brulee, take additional sugar of choice and spoon it over just enough to cover the surface evenly. You could tilt and turn the cup or ramekin to help disperse it.
  15. Torch it with blow torch on medium heat from a distance to avoid burning it too much, or put it under the grill until same effect takes place.
  16. Allow it to sit for a bit to harden and cool so you don’t burn your mouth over hot caramel, and so that you can get the iconic creme brulee ‘crunch’ with the spoon.


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