*Serves 2 x 125ml Pudding Cups


  • 100ml Lemonade Water
  • 100ml Orange or similar colored juice
  • 80ml Lime Juice Cordial
  • 4 Generous Drops of Bitters
  • 1 Tsp, 3/4 Tsp Gelatin Powder


Add the lemonade water & orange juice to a small pot, and sprinkle the 1 Tsp gelatin powder over the water.

Allow to re-hydrate for 5 minutes, or until moist and spongy.

On low heat, warm the mixture whilst stirring constantly until the gelatin is dissolved. Do not boil.

Fill 1/4 way up the pudding cups, add the bitters and stir gently until combined.

Allow to set in fridge until set.

Warm the remaining lemonade water mix just until liquid again, and pour over the bitters layer.

Allow to set in fridge until set.

In a separate bowl, add the lime cordial and sprinkle the 3/4 Tsp gelatin powder over it.

Re-hydrate and warm until dissolved like the lemonade water process.

Gently pour the lime juice cordial over the second layer, evenly distributing between two pudding cups.

Firmly tap the pudding cups on counter a few times to get rid of any air bubbles. Return to fridge for 1 hour to set firm.

Invert pudding cups onto a plate and firmly shake once or twice downwards to release the jelly.

Garnish with sprig of mint and serve.

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