Hello lovely people! I am one of those many people who are crazy about mochi, always been one of my favourite snacks growing up. It’s been a long while since I’ve wanted to fuse it with something more western in dessert, or something a little bit more unusual. Finally, the idea for what to do with it has arrived.

This is perhaps just the first step in testing the waters, but coffee and mochi is not a commonly seen combination as far as I know – though mochi is a good medium for absorbing any flavor and putting it to good use. This time I have put the mochi pieces into the brioche flavored with coffee, in the future I hope to be making a different kind of approach to adding mochi to the dessert. You will have to find out.

For now, enjoy this indulgent and fragrant bread recipe for a naughty breakfast or a quick snack in the afternoon – the COFFEE MOCHI BRIOCHE LOAF! 😀


= 100g Shiratamako/Mochiko – Glutinous Rice Flour
= 2 Brown tbsp Sugar
= 95-100ml Water
= Potato Starch (Katakuriko) (for dusting)


  1. Dust baking sheet generously with the starch.
  2. Combine sugar and shiratamako or mochiko in a non-stick, heat durable bowl.
  3. Using a spatula, gradually add in the water, stirring to combine whilst ensuring no pockets of flour are left.
  4. Steam the mochi dough in a steamer, with a cloth wrapped around the lid to prevent water dripping into the dough as it cooks.
  5. Turn off the heat when placing the dough in.
  6. Turn on the steamer to high and cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Remove the bowl and wet a rubber spatula, stir the mochi until it becomes a consistent texture and place onto the starch dusted pan.
  8. Dust the mochi and your hands with starch, particularly around between your thumb and index finger as you’ll rip the mochi from there.
  9. Separate mochi into bite sized chunks as you desire, truffle sized balls should suffice for a good dispersion in a loaf of bread.
  10. Wrap and freeze the tray of mochi tightly with cling wrap to prevent drying out whilst you prepare the bread dough.

*The chilling process will help the mochi to hinder the cooking process a little so that it won’t overcook as the bread bakes.


= Plain flour (250g)

= Butter (80g), room temperature

= 2 eggs

= 7g instant dried yeast

= 2 Tablespoon brown sugar

= Milk (80ml)

= Pinch of salt

= 2 TBSP Coffee

= Egg wash


Warm the milk and dissolve the coffee granules. Allow to cool to lukewarm.

Add all the ingredients at once (flour, sugar, salt, yeast, eggs, milk and butter), keeping the salt and dried yeast in different corners of the bowl.

Knead the mixture with the hook attachment until it forms smooth and elastic dough. It will still be very sticky, but most should come out of the bowl as one piece of dough when you remove it.

Shape dough into a ball and transfer to a large bowl and cover the bowl with glad wrap, or a clean tea towel.

Prove the dough until it doubles in size.

Knock the air out of the proved dough.

Flour the working surface; roughly flatten the dough into a rectangle triple the width of your loaf pan.

From one side of the width, in the first 1/3 section scatter 1/2 of your mochi balls. Fold it over the second 1/3 section.

Sprinkle the remaining mochi and then fold the remaining half of the brioche that has nothing on it over the mochi sprinkled half.

Mix up the dough with your hand a little to distribute the mochi all over.

Place the brioche dough into the loaf pan and very gently, spread it out as evenly as possible.

Lightly grease a sheet of cling wrap, place it over the loaf tin and prove the dough until it is doubled in size again.

Preheat the over to 180 Degrees Celsius once the dough is almost done proving.

Egg wash the entire top surface, and bake the brioche until golden brown, with a hallow sound when tapped on. Should take around 30 minutes, allow to cool till lukewarm before removing from loaf to slice into pieces.

Keep airtight and freeze if not consumed within 3-4 days.

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